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How To Join The Clean Beauty Movement

Why Clean Beauty Is Important And How To Join The Clean Beauty Movement

People are becoming more and more aware of the consequences of artificial cosmetics and the dangers they pose to one’s health and body and are turning to nature and its solutions for maintaining beauty. The toxic ingredients, carcinogens and endocrine disruptors have caused many people to turn their backs to the conventional cosmetics industry and this caused a very powerful movement in raising awareness for “clean beauty”. But what is “Clean Beauty” exactly?

Clean beauty is the new standard of beauty that strips all toxic ingredients from products including parabens, phthalates, PEGs, ethanolamine compounds, synthetic fragrance, and others. It signals that the products do not contain controversial or unsafe ingredients but completely green, natural and safe to use.

There are several “clean beauty” terms and here are their meanings:

EWG Verified

When you see the EWG VERIFIED mark on a product, you can be sure it’s free from EWG’s chemicals of concern and meets the strictest standards for your health.

Natural / All natural

Implication: the product is made with (all) natural ingredients and they are minimally modified

Lab truth: few ingredients are as-is from nature and natural doesn’t mean healthier as some natural substances can be harmful.


Implication: the ingredients and formula are produced organically – without harmful pesticides.

Lab truth: Government-regulated term and to be trusted when it is USDA-Certified Organic or with NSF Organic seal and supported by the EWG

Naturally Derived

Implication: natural ingredients that have undergone some chemical processing.

Lab truth: as this is quite a manipulative term, check additionally what percentage of the ingredients are natural.


Implication: no harmful chemical like formaldehyde, toluene and lead

Lab truth: only if the claim is specific as in ”paraben-free” you can trust it.


Implication: not toxic to humans

Lab truth: as it can’t be proven or disproven, it is a meaningless label

Green / Sustainable

Implications: the ingredient are produced without or very minimal impact on the environment

Lab truth: only if it has certified labels you can trust it otherwise the term is broad and not specified whether is related to how it is made, packaged, distributed or disposed of.

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