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Metropolitan Museum of Art Celebrates Fashion And Beauty

Have you ever wondered about the history of beauty marks, or of the towering wigs worn in the 17th century? The Fashion & Beauty Tour held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art will lead the way those questions and to all things glamorous.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Celebrates Fashion And Beauty

Led by Professor of Classics, Andrew Lear, the Fashion and Beauty Tour observes style globally, from head to toe. It also includes the political, social, as well as medical currents that influenced fashion trends throughout time. The 2-hour walking tour is an undeniable thrill of wandering through the world famous museum. From getting a glimpse of the neck rings worn in Africa and Southeast Asia to viewing the corsets women regularly warped their bodies to create man-made curves. This fun and informative outing will examine three thousand years of stunning cosmetics, and how bicycle riding affected the way women dressed in the closing years of the 19th century.

Presented by Shady Ladies Tour, the Fashion & Beauty Tour will be held on Saturday, October 14 at 4pm and on Friday, October 20 at 6:15pm. Tickets and additional information can be found online at https://www.shadyladiestours.com/fashion-and-beauty-tour/

Photo: Courtesy of Shady Ladies Tours

LXR & Co.