Here’s How To Improve Air Quality In Your Hood This Natural Source Will Enhance Your Quality Of Life
One Tree Planted And Boxed Water T Will Enhance Your Quality Of Life And The Answer to How To Improve The Air Quality In The Environment

This Natural Source Will Enhance Your Quality Of Life And The Answer to How To Improve The Air Quality In Your Area

It may sound simple, but breathing clean air can lessen the possibility of disease from a stroke, or heart disease, lung cancer as well as chronic and acute respiratory diseases such as asthma. Lower levels of air pollution are better for heart and respiratory health, both long and short-term. Although living in the city has its perks, poor air quality is not one of them. In fact, it is a common concern in many urban neighborhoods like New York City. It leads to decreased human health, the ecosystem, and spoils scenic views due to reduced visibility. So what can you do to improve the air quality in your area and enhance the quality of life? Here’s a guess, it involves a plant.

Boxed Water Will Help Improve The Air Quality In The Environment

Trees can improve air quality by reducing air temperature resulting in reduced energy consumption in buildings that consequently pollute emissions from the power sources. To help throw shade in New York, Boxed Water™ has expanded their presence in New York by partnering with One Tree Planted to have 2,000 urban trees planted in Kissena Park, Queens through One Tree Planted’s Urban Forestry Action Fund. Boxed Water has also increased supply of its sustainably packaged water throughout New York City, while New York hotels like The Edition, Manhattan West, and Crosby Street Hotel and gyms including Soul Cycle have swapped out plastic and aluminum packaging for Boxed Water™.

Think of portable water this way: Plastic bottles release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, from oil drilling during production to their decomposition in landfills and oceans, where 95% of the plastic ends up. And the mining of aluminum creates a toxic red mud that contaminates waterways and communities. Boxed Water cartons are made from renewable resources and sources its water close to consumers, a method that lessens the environmental impact and gives back to the community.

If you are lucky to score their limited edition Watermelon Flavor, your enhanced quality of life just got sweeter. So there you have it, another benefit for drinking water. More trees, please!

Drinking Watermelon Helps To Improve The Air Quality In The Environment

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